Monday, 24 August 2015

Interview with Shreya Sinha

                                                            THE INTERVIEW

Question: Will you please brief us about your experiences you have had in AASF so far?
Shreya Sinha : AASF aka Abhigyan Abhikaushalam Students’ Forum aims at guiding the new entrants, so that they can explore the assorted fields of Information Technology and choose their interests accordingly. It focuses on peer to peer learning and inculcates the spirit of competitiveness by organizing various competitions. We impart knowledge and gain experiences in return.

Question: Are there any changes in AASF this year?
Answer: Lots! Some of those are: HiQs on big data analysis, advertising and managerial events.

Question: Is there any message you would like to give to this year’s freshers?

Answer: I would like to see enthusiastic participation in all the AASF sessions throughout the year. Do come and attend the HiQs. Take part in managerial and editorial events too. They will surely boost your confidence and evoke your interests.

Team of the Interview
Interviewers- Sharad Mishra, Prakhar Kapoor
Photographer- Pawan Praneeth
Videographer- Jalaj Varshney

Documenter- Divya

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